Is Mineral Water Good For You?

Is mineral water good for you

The importance of drinking sufficient amounts of water daily has been long established and understood. By now, numerous research papers as well as online blogs have stated the crucial benefits of mineral water. We are made up of 70% of water but that’s not all, as a pivotal role is assigned to water. With vital functions such as transporting nutrients and oxygen to our cells, normalizing blood pressure, aiding in digestion, and more, the list is practically never-ending. That’s why it’s essential for us to consume sufficient amounts of water daily; to keep our bodies healthy and well-functioning. 

Not consuming enough water can be damaging to our bodies, this can be as simple as our skin losing its elasticity over time due to lack of sufficient water consumption. Studies have even shown that dehydration can lead to skin aging, skin dullness, and clogged pores. This is simply from not consuming enough water! Just imagine how detrimental dehydration is to our organs. Dehydration can cause fatigue, dizziness, loss of strength, and in extreme cases can even become fatal. Prevent this by drinking enough water and not compromising your health. 

Drinking enough water is not the only concern when it comes to water, you should also be thinking about sanitation and water quality. The quality of water matters as this can determine just how effective the water benefits will be but also to prevent the spread of waterborne diseases. Some of the most prominent waterborne diseases are cholera, typhoid, and hepatitis. It’s especially necessary to consume quality drinking water for those who are immunocompromised as waterborne diseases may spread faster, causing further harm. 

One of the best ways to stay healthy and hydrated is to ensure the water you are consuming is full of nutrients and doesn’t contain harmful contaminants or chlorine. What type of water would that be? There are various treated and untreated waters that are beneficial for us but today we will dive deep into the world of mineral water. Let’s discover what it is, how it compares to other types of water, and what its benefits are. 

What is mineral water?

Before we start discussing the benefits of mineral water, let’s actually find out what it is. You may have heard of the term ‘mineral water’ quite frequently, as it is a term that often gets used but what actually is it? By definition, mineral water is water that comes from natural underground reservoirs and springs. As the name would suggest, mineral water contains high levels of minerals, which is great for us! This can include minerals such as calcium, magnesium, and sodium. Mineral water is defined as bottled water that has to be collected at natural underground sources and contain a specific level of essential nutrients and supplements within it already. 

natural mineral water

You might be thinking, who checks and knows about these minerals? Is this real? And yes, it very much is. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) measures mineral water as water that must have at least 250 parts per million (ppm) of “total dissolved solids”. These “total dissolved solids” also must come from “protected underground”. This simply means that water that is collected should already contain all these dissolved solids as it is being collected.

One question that may arise here: where does sparkling mineral water lay on the spectrum? Natural sparkling mineral water does exist and is ‘naturally’ carbonated. The keyword is ‘natural’, as the water that is collected should be somewhat carbonated already. That being said, FDA states that it is allowed to add or remove CO2 during bottling. Similar to the customization of CO2 levels during bottling, FDA also allows mineral water to be treated to remove any and all possible traces of arsenic. 

Does Mineral Water Have Health Benefits?

We now know what mineral water actually is but what is all the buzz about? Is mineral water actually that good for us? The quick answer is yes. Let’s elaborate further and deep-dive into the exact reasons why mineral water has health benefits, and what these benefits are. 


Bone Health

Bone health may not be so glamorous but it is essential for all ages to consume enough nutrients and minerals for good bone development as well as maintenance. One of the most prominent minerals for bone health is calcium, which helps keep our bones and teeth well-developed and maintained. On top of calcium, there are studies that state bicarbonate and magnesium to also be minerals that aid in bone health support. All of these nutrients are present within mineral water, which can easily promote bone health. Another study has even shown mineral water to be equally effective as dairy in providing sufficient calcium levels.   

Blood Pressure

Normalizing blood pressure is one of water’s most amazing qualities but mineral water has the ability to further this. Studies have shown that minerals such as magnesium, calcium, and potassium are great sources of naturally lowering blood pressure. As mineral water contains naturally high levels of these nutrients, higher consumption of mineral water can lead to a possibility of lowered or regulated blood pressure. 

Heart Health

There have also been studies that have shown the great benefits mineral water has on our heart health. The study specifically focused on postmenopausal women who consume mineral water. The research paper found that consumption of mineral water lowered levels of LDL cholesterol (this is the bad cholesterol) while raising the levels of HDL cholesterol (this is the good cholesterol). This leaves us to assume that mineral water also aids in promoting good heart health. 

Mineral water vs. regular water

Now you may be wondering, just how different is mineral water from regular tap water? The biggest difference we have established already and that is that mineral water contains higher levels of nutrients and supplements present within it that are naturally occurring. Regular water you will get from your tap does not contain these minerals. On top of that, it most probably contains chlorine and hard metals. This is due to the treatment process the water has to go through. This is in order to keep it free from toxic contaminants and prevent the spread of waterborne diseases. Another major difference you immediately will tell is that regular water that you get in your home comes from the tap and not a bottle. While most, if not all, mineral waters come in a bottled form. 

Regular Tap Water

Though we do say regular water doesn’t contain these essential nutrients such as calcium, magnesium, and sodium within it, we still encourage you to consume clean healthy water every day. Mineral water can get expensive to buy! Though it is great for our bodies, it is still essential to consume sufficient amounts of water on a daily basis. 

Is Mineral Water Healthier Than Regular Bottled Water?

Here is the trick, mineral water is bottled water but not all bottled water is mineral water. This is where most brands differentiate and price themselves. Usually, mineral water is more expensive than regular bottled water. You can see this in brands like Fiji that provide bottled mineral water. Why do they differ? Water sources are the biggest difference. It depends on where the water is sourced from and then how the water is bottled. Mineral water comes from protected underground reserves that have naturally occurring minerals. Regular water usually comes from public water supply sources, and can even be the same as tap water. 

Does that mean regular bottled water is the same as tap water? No, though they are supplied from the same source, usually bottled water is enhanced water. This can be through adding more nutrients and supplements or treating water further to soften it. The water enhancement is what gives bottled water its price. That being said, even if supplements are added within normal water, it cannot be identified as mineral water. It can only be called mineral water if the natural supplements are already present during the initial water collection. 

Similarly, bottled water can also be carbonated but that doesn’t mean it is sparkling mineral water. That’s why it is important to read the labels to identify if it is in fact mineral water. Here comes the big question though: is mineral water healthier than regular bottled water? 

The general consensus is that the natural nutrients and fibers present in mineral water are beneficial and healthy. The research we mentioned above has also shown that mineral water is a viable source of nutrient supplements. That being said, it’s more important to consume enough water throughout the day. The price also plays a big part, as prices of mineral water is much higher than that of regular bottled water. This makes it harder to say that the health benefits of drinking mineral water outweigh all the costs. 

Does Mineral Water Have Any Drawbacks?

Mineral water has numerous benefits but does it pose any risks or have any drawbacks? The water itself is healthy and safe to consume. There haven’t been studies indicating possible risks posed by the consumption of mineral water. There are certain drawbacks we cannot ignore though, that is plastic packaging and plastic waste. 

Bottled water comes in plastic bottles, this includes bottled mineral water as well. These bottled packagings are mostly made out of Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) or glass in certain cases. The immediate reasoning is that constant use and consumption of bottled water has a highly negative impact on the environment. Plastic bottles contribute to global warming and throughout the full cycle of plastic bottles, it utilizes the aid of fossil fuels. The negative impact is propelled by the large popularity of plastic bottles. According to statistics, in 2020, 15 billion gallons of bottled water were sold just in the United States alone! These figures are only increasing year by year, as the compound annual growth rate (CAGR) predicted for the years 2022 to 2027 are projected to be 6.2%. These figures alone show the popularity of bottled water and inevitably the increase in pollution caused by the use of plastic bottled water.  

Bottled mineral water

Another problem posed by the use of plastic bottles is the possibility of harmful toxins bleeding into the water. One of the biggest culprits of plastic is Bisphenol A (BPA). A known chemical that has been linked to numerous health hazards including negative effects caused to children. Though it cannot be said that BPA is in all plastic bottled waters and that chemicals can be present within the water you’re drinking, there is a possibility of hazardous effects from bottled water. 

How Does Mineral Water Compare to Structured Water? 

Structured water is another water type that is highly buzzed about. How does mineral water compare to structured water? Though at first, they both may seem identical, mineral water and structured water are different. 

First, let’s look at what structured water is. Structured water is naturally occurring – just like mineral water. The difference is that structured water has a unique hexagonal micro-clustered molecular form. This distinct inner structure gives vortex water its abilities and properties such as continuous self-cleaning, balanced pH levels, essential nutrients, increased dissolved oxygen levels, and more! Both of the water types have essential nutrients and are beneficial for our health.

One of the biggest differences between mineral water and structured water is that structured water contains energy within it. The water tends to be more vicious. Another difference you will find between mineral water and structured water is that mineral water retains its minerals once removed from its source. Structured water, on the other hand, does keep its essential nutrients but loses its unique properties such as self-cleaning due to the loss of inner molecular structure. 

To regain and restore its structure, water has to go through a water treatment such as the vortex water treatment. This is to restore its inner molecular form and then restore its distinctive properties. Vortex water treatment can occur by implementing a treatment that utilizes a double spiral to recreate water’s natural movement as it flows through nature. An example of this is The Vortex Water Revitalizer™, which helps restore water’s inner structure and produce vortex water. One of the greatest advantages of structured water compared to bottled mineral water is the elimination of plastic, as well as the positive impact of structured water on the environment. This goes double-fold, as the lessened plastic usage does lead to pollution but also due to structured water’s ability to efficiently break down wastewater. 

Find out more about vortex water treatments, its benefits, how and where you can purchase the water treatment at The Vortex Water Revitalizer™

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