Vortex Water Revitalizers Filter Models

The Vortex Water Revitalizers for Filters will work in conjunction with an existing under or over-the-counter filter, distiller, reverse osmosis system, or ionizer. The taste, feel, and health of your water will improve significantly!

Vortex Water Revitalizers Filter Models – Vortexing Your Water

So you already have a water treatment or filtration system, but why should you buy The Vortex Water Revitalizer filter as well? Adding a revitalizer will help boost all the benefits from the already existing filter threefold! The filter allows the already filtered water’s inner structure to be restored and for all the properties of vortex water to come alive. 

Installing the revitalizer filter will bring numerous benefits to your water and your home. Here are some of the impactful benefits you’ll see right away!   

  • Increased hydration;
  • Elimination of all bacteria and viruses 
  • Eradicate all drawbacks caused by chlorine 
  • Increase Dissolved Oxygen Levels 
  • Improve water taste  

Did you also know that The Vortex Water Revitalizer also helps the environment? One of the biggest impacts vortex water has is not only on our health but also on the environment, our aquatic life, and the aquatic biota. Purchasing a vortex revitalizer ensures that not only are you getting the best quality water in your home but also making a positive impact on our planet. 

Read further on all the benefits and properties of vortex water and just why it is so essential for your health, your home, and the environment around us.

Filter Models VS Commercial Models 

Filter vortex revitalizer models are made with the purpose to be an additional aid to already installed water filtration systems. You can vortex your water that is already filtered by under or over-the-counter filters, reverse osmosis filters, granular activated charcoal (GAC) filters, and many more. Unlike filter models, commercial models are produced to be more industrial-grade and do not need another layer of filtration system, working fully independently. 

If you’re looking to boost your water’s quality with an existing water filter system then you can look at our filter models that are simple to install, portable, and effective vortex water treatments. In case you want to filter large volumes of water, specifically for food-grade or industrial-grade then our commercial models are the best fit for you. 

Filter Models VS Whole-House Models

The biggest difference lies in the functionality of these two models, whole-house models treat water all around your home. Filter vortex revitalizer models help vortex already filtered water and work in conjunction with other filtration systems. These systems can include and are not limited to under or over-the-counter filters, reverse osmosis filters, sediment filters, alkaline water filters, and many more. The filter models are best if you’re looking to boost your water’s quality with an existing water filter system that is simple to install, portable, and effective vortex water treatments. 

Unlike the filter models, whole-house models do not require additional filtering systems but rather operate fully in isolation to produce vortex water in your whole house. Whole-house models have the aim of vortexing all water points and entries in your home, bringing vortex water without additional water filtration systems. 

Filter Models VS Kitchen, Shower, and Portable Models 

Kitchen, shower, and portable models are here to help vortex water in your homes, without needing any additional filtration systems. Unlike our portable models, our Filter vortex revitalizer models are produced to aid in addition to an existing filtering model. This can include and is not limited to under or over-the-counter filters, reverse osmosis filters, and many more. If you’re looking to boost your water’s quality with an existing water filter system then you can look at our filter models that are simple to install, portable, and effective vortex water treatments. 

But if you don’t have a different water system in place then Kitchen, Shower, and Portable Models are perfect for apartments, condos, and on-the-go. The ideal portable structured water unit for when you are at home or in a hotel.